Review of Build your own Programming Language by Clinton Jeffery

Priya Shastri
2 min readFeb 3, 2022

In this book, the author describes new ways of designing programming languages and compilers. Here is a official link of the book:

In 17 chapters the author has provided the complete guide to writing your own programming language. Compiler course students will also learn about the various techniques to build programming languages. In chapter 1 Why build another programming language? the author discusses motivations for writing your programming language, different types of programming languages like compiler, interpreter, transpiler and bytecode compiler are different types. The different components of any programming language are discussed like lexical analyzer, syntax analyzer, semantic analyzer, intermediate code generator and final code generator are discussed in detail.

In chapter 2 the author goes deeper into describing what are the keywords one would want to use in the language of their creation, what are some of the aspects of lexiscal rules, syntax rules to be followed in these. In chapter 3 scanning source code, the author describes a lexeme (a string of characters that make a single entity for a language). regular expression rules are discussed.In chapter 4, parsing using yacc parser is discussed. In chapter 5 syntax trees are discussed in detail.

The book is a treasure for authors who want to write their own language for a specific computing purpose.

Overall, all types of programmers can learn from this book when writing their own programming language.

I would strongly recommend this book.

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