Review of ChatGPT for Startups Amir Hegazi

Priya Shastri
3 min readSep 12, 2023

This book is the ultimate guide for startup founders and founding teams who are looking for an advantage to scale their businesses faster and more resourceful.

Chapter 1 — Overview of chatGPT

chatGPT is a powerful tool that can be used to solve multiple problems. The author gives a quick glimpse of what the tool is about and where is it heading. There is lot of explanation on the chatGPT and how you can use it.

chapter 2 — finance and administration applications. In this chapter the author talks about areas where chat GPT can be useful in generating financial reports and generating forecasts. Looking at sales data and the stock market information. Generating financial comparison between companies on the financial performance helps the investors decide on what is a good company to invest their money in. The author provides a lot of prompts for the analysis and what chatGPT will work best in. This is a good upsell for chatGPT for financial consultants who want to use the new AI technology in fintech.

chapter 3- product development applications. In this chapter, the author mentions that chatGPT can be used for generating product ideas, writing product descriptions, generating user feedback and generating technical documentation. Each one requires some trial and error and testing. Prompt engineering is needed to generate useful data in each phase.Several examples of the prompt have been given for a new product idea. How to capture the market space. How to find the correct market fit, what are the takeaways? Where are we going wrong in getting output from the chatGPT on important questions? Are we not asking the correct questions? This is an excellent chapter for the product enthusiasts out there.

chapter 4- operations and management applications In this chapter the author highlights the ways to do everyday tasks like sending emails to all the vendors for a quote. E.g. I want to install an HVAC (heating and cooling AC) system in my home, how can I go about doing that? Ask chat GPT for a list of vendors who do installation of heating and cooling in the Bay area. Provide the phone numbers of all the people and then send them an automated email asking for a quote.

There are several online services that are available that do exactly that and it is easy to find a service that does that.

How to integrate project management apps and google docs? How to integrate the automated email service (create something like Mailchimp) from your local resources. Excel file with email addresses and email client like gmail that can send those emails.

Customize the emails using chat GPT.

chapter 5- marketing and PR applications. In this chapter the author,describes how chatGPT can be used for content creation for the web. Blog creation, humor creation, story creation using chatGPT. Each one requires the correct prompt to be provided so that the expected output can be obtained.

chapter 6- business development and sales applications. In this chapter the author describes how to create marketing emails using Chat GPT and target the audience based on the product market fit. What is it that you are selling as a product and what is it that the audience is looking for. Blend the two interests in order to generate the product market fit.

chapter 7- customer service applications and human resource applications. In this chapter the author describes the various customer service applications that can be built using chatGPT. customer engagement chatbot. customer preference analyzer, customer story teller.

chapter 8: human resource applications, In this chapter the author has provided several prompts for appropriate use of chest GPT.

I have personally tested chatGPT for a number of different prompts and found them to be interested and informative responses. I would recommend using chatGPT for creating of digital content. I see chatGPT as an usher into the Digital era where everything has a digital copy.

There is little reading or writing that needs to be done all that needs to happen is speech and convert to text.

I cannot imagine the amount of data that this generation is going to create in just 1 year. We will be spending a lot fo time on clean up. Just like cleaning your mind when you have millions of ideas floating around.

I strongly recommend this book for chatGPT enthusiasts who are integrating this new technology into their software products.

