Review of Kubernetes Operator Framework Book by Michael Dame

Priya Shastri
2 min readJul 8, 2022

Thsi book is an introduction to the Kubernetes Operator structure for users who are unfamiliar with that and how it benefits the DevOps space.

In the first chapter the author discusses the essentials of Operators and the operator framework. The principal idea behind an operator is to automate the cluster creation and application management tasks that typically would be done by a human. Any operator is essentially just a controller. The operator SDKs are submitted to for users to download the code from one single location.

The above diagram gives an overview of the operator sdk, operator and the website.

The chapter 2 and chapter 3 focus on designing and developing an Operator.

Chapter 3 talks about error reporting and reporting errors with events. How to process them. In chapter 4 the author provides the steps for developing an operator with Operator SDK. In chapter 5 Developing an Operator Advanced functionality the author dives deep into the implementation of the operator. In chapter 6 the author talks about the details of building the operator. How to write the controller loop code? What are the characteristics of the controller loop? In chapter 7 the use of OLM (Operator lifecycle Manager) is described. Installing Grafana operator is taken as an example to highlight the use of Operator hub. The steps to submit your own operator to the are explained.

Overall I would highly recommend this book for a novice who is trying to learn Kubernetes operator and write their own and submit the code to

great book!

