Review of Typescript 4 Design patterns and Best Practices by Theo Despoudis

Priya Shastri
2 min readDec 8, 2021

In this book, the author describes effective programming practice for every programming task. The software used in this book is using VScode and typescript 4.2. So please use this book if you want to know about these technologies.

The typescript files end with .ts just like javascript files end with .js. The similartity between typescript and java script ends there. Typescript 4 has different ways to declare variables and their types. This is described in chapter 1 “getting to know typescript”. Unified modeling Language (UML) is described in this chapter as a software architechting language as well as interaction between systems and deployment models. In chapter 2, Typescript core principles,

Typescript core principles, working with advanced types, oop methods are discussed. A design pattern is a method to solve recurrent problems in software programming. In chapter 3 creational design patterns are discussed. singleton pattern, Creation pattern, builder pattern, factory pattern, abstract factory pattern are discussed. In chapter 4 structural design patterns are discussed. In chapter 5 behavioural design patterns are discussed. The strategy, iterator, mediator patterns are discussed. UML class diagram sfor each kind of desing are provided in the book for each chapter. In chapter 6 functional programming with typescript is discussed. In chapter 7 reactive programming with typescript is discussed. Modern and robust applications can be developed using the singleton and the iterator pattern. This is discussed with an example. SOLID principles for OOP design are described in this chapter as single reponsibility principle, open close principles, liskov substitution principle, interface segregation principle and dependency inversion principle are coined here. In chapter 9 antipattern principles are discussed.


  1. Excellent description for use of typescript
  2. Great content condensed in 10 chapters.

can improve on

  1. Download locations and paths. Provide a reference with all the websites and the code locations!

